Are you looking for a tool to help you to maintain or regain a healthful life, to help calm a busy mind, to promote better sleep, to work in a more focused way? Then come and learn mindfulness and meditation here at the Mindfulofbeing Centre. We offer an 8 week course, which gives you a… Continue reading Mindfulness & Meditation 8 Week Course for Wellbeing
Category: Mindfulness
Mindful Monday Meditation Hour
I welcome you to a Mindful Meditation hour…. on Mondays 20th August and 3rd September 6.15pm to 7.15pm here at the Mindfulofbeing Centre, Boston £8 per session Book with Jayne email or call 07805 039 099
Meditation Hour – 16th July 2018
Mindful Monday Meditation Practice Monday, 16th July 6.15pm to 7.15pm £8 each session Book your space with Jayne 07805 039 099
Mindfulness & Meditation Practice – June
An Hour of Mindfulness & Meditation Practice An opportunity to meditate together in a small group, come and explore the possibilities of practice. Monday, 18th June 2018 6.15pm to 7.15pm £8 Please reserve your space Jayne 07805 039 099
Mindfulness & Meditation Practice – May
An Hour of Mindfulness & Meditation Practice An opportunity to meditate together in a small group, come and explore the possibilities of practice. Friday, 11th May 6.15pm to 7.15pm £8 Please reserve your space Jayne 07805 039 099
Mindfulness & Meditation Practice…..
Mindful Monday……. 16th April 2018 Come join us for Mindfulness & Meditation Practice, 6.15pm to 7.15pm Please book with Jayne on 07805 039 099 or email
Mindfulness & Meditation Practice……
Mindful Monday, 16th April 6.15pm to 7.15pm Come and join us for an hour of practice with Mindfulness and Meditation £8 Reserve your space
Yoga – April
April Timetable No Yoga 1st to 9th April Mondays – 16th, 23rd 10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £19.00 and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £16 **One Week Only – Monday day time Sessions – will be on Wednesday 11th ** Tuesdays – 10th, 17th, 24th 6.30pm to 7.30pm = £24 … Continue reading Yoga – April
Donation Day – 18th December 2017 – Money Raised
December 18th marked the third Festivetime Donation Day at the Mindfulofbeing Centre and it surpassed all expectations…..your generosity throughout the day raised £445! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! The proceeds will go to Boston Parkinson’s Cafe and Boston Samaritans, both worthy local charities. Special thank you to Bev Lister, local Potter, who donated her… Continue reading Donation Day – 18th December 2017 – Money Raised
Mindfulness & Meditation Practice Get-Together
Mindfulness and Meditation Practice Get-Together Tuesday, 9th January – 9.15am to 10.15am Monday, 15th January – 6.15pm to 7.15pm To book please either email or call Jayne on 07805 039 099