December 18th marked the third Festivetime Donation Day at the Mindfulofbeing Centre and it surpassed all expectations…..your generosity throughout the day raised £445! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! The proceeds will go to Boston Parkinson’s Cafe and Boston Samaritans, both worthy local charities. Special thank you to Bev Lister, local Potter, who donated her… Continue reading Donation Day – 18th December 2017 – Money Raised
Category: Mindfulness
Mindfulness & Meditation Practice Get-Together
Mindfulness and Meditation Practice Get-Together Tuesday, 9th January – 9.15am to 10.15am Monday, 15th January – 6.15pm to 7.15pm To book please either email or call Jayne on 07805 039 099
Mindfulness & Meditation – 8 Week Course – February 2018
Mindfulness and Meditation 8 week course for Health & Wellbeing Saturday, 10th February 2018 9.30am to 11am This 8 week course will give you a solid foundation into how to work with mindfulness and you will learn four different meditations. It can help you to manage general stress, anxiety and depression. It gives you… Continue reading Mindfulness & Meditation – 8 Week Course – February 2018
Donation Day – December 18th 2017
Yoga and Meditation “Time to Be”…… DONATION DAY Monday, 18th December 2017 All classes donation only proceeds go to Boston Parkinson’s Café & Boston Branch of the Samaritans Sessions are 10am to 11.30am 2pm to 3.30pm 6.30pm to 8pm All sessions will provide you with a gentle discovery of what lies beneath…time… Continue reading Donation Day – December 18th 2017
Yoga for October…….
October Timetable Mondays – 2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th 10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £38 and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £32 Tuesdays – 3rd, 10th, 17th, 31st 6.30pm to 7.30pm = £32 Wednesdays – 4th, 11th, 18th, 1st Nov 7.15pm to 8.15pm = £32 Thursdays – 5th, 12th, 19th,… Continue reading Yoga for October…….
Yoga – “Let’s Begin Again”……September Timetable……
September Sessions – “Let’s Begin Again” with Jayne Mondays – 4th, 18th, 25th 10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £28.50 and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £24 Tuesdays – 5th 12th, 19th 26th 6.30pm to 7.30pm = £32 Wednesdays – 6th 13th 20th 27th 7.15pm to 8.15pm = £32 ** 6th… Continue reading Yoga – “Let’s Begin Again”……September Timetable……
Meditation and Crystal Bowl Sound Bath for the New Moon and Autumn Equinox
Monday, 18th September come along and welcome in the Autumnal Equinox and New Moon with Meditation and Crystal Bowls Sound Bath Sound healing is one of the oldest forms of healing known to man. It was used in the ancient civilisations of Greece, China, Egypt and India……recent research has shown that certain frequencies of sound help to heal… Continue reading Meditation and Crystal Bowl Sound Bath for the New Moon and Autumn Equinox
Meditation and Mindfulness Practice…….
Meditation Practice Dates – Places available for the 26th July and the 7th August…. Mindful Mondays’ Meditation Mondays, 10th July and 7th August – 6.15pm to 7.15pm also, Mindful Wednesday Meditation Wednesday, 28th June and 26th July – 10am to 11am Please reserve your space here £7.00 per session when bought together, £8 individually.
Happy Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day!
If you’re unable to attend a class today, bring yoga into your own space…. Make time to sit and breathe. Let your thoughts float in and out, just observe like the clouds in the sky, ever changing… Take stock of the first half of the year and make an intention to move forward into the… Continue reading Happy Summer Solstice and International Yoga Day!
Mindfulness for Kids….
Mindfulness for Kids…… I trained with the Youth Mindfulness company and am able to deliver an 8 week programme of mindfulness to children aged between 7 to 11 years. This is an exciting interactive programme and offers methods to enhance wellbeing, focus, compassion, courage and kindness. In these times of multi-tasking and “busy-ness” we all… Continue reading Mindfulness for Kids….