How to Create a Sankalpa

The yoga tradition offers a profound formula for realizing your heartfelt desires. Source: How to Create a Sankalpa | Yoga International

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Ending our Yoga Year with…..

Ending our Yoga Year with…. Donation Day Monday, 21st December 2015 Relax…… and breathe… All classes donation only and this will go to one of the charities below, that will be drawn out of a hat once all nominations are received 10am to 11.30am – Restorative Yoga and Nidra 2pm to 3pm – Gentle Restorative yoga 6.30pm to… Continue reading Ending our Yoga Year with…..

New Beginnings with Beginner’s Yoga….

Here at the Mindfulofbeing Centre in the heart of Boston, Lincolnshire, we are very happy to announce that Heidi Freeman will be coming along and introducing Yoga for Beginners in January 2016. This course is aimed at beginners with little experience of yoga to help build a foundation of yoga poses, improve breathing and relaxation. Some… Continue reading New Beginnings with Beginner’s Yoga….

Yoga – January 2016

mindful yoga timetable….JANUARY Mondays – 04, 11, 18, 25 10am to 11.30am – Yoga and Yoga Nidra 2pm to 3pm – (gentle) Yoga   Tuesdays – 05, 12, 19, 26 6pm to 7pm – Yoga   Wednesdays – 06, 13, 20, 27 7.15pm to 8.30pm – Yoga   Thursdays – 07, 14, 21, 28 10am… Continue reading Yoga – January 2016

Thích Nhất Hạnh Quotes (Author of Peace Is Every Step)

“The source of love is deep in us and we can help others realize a lot of happiness. One word, one action, one thought can reduce another person’s suffering and bring that person joy.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh Source: Thích Nhất Hạnh Quotes (Author of Peace Is Every Step)

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Looking for something special, not just for Christmas…?

Looking for something special, not just for Christmas…? MINDFULNESS & MEDITATION FOR WELLBEING 8 WEEK COURSE IN BOSTON (there will be a break in this time, dates to be set at the first class) Commencing 1st FEBRUARY 2016  6.15PM TO 8.15PM Cost : £150. Deposit of £40 by 28 December 2015 Includes handout each week CD’s… Continue reading Looking for something special, not just for Christmas…?

Yoga – December

Mondays – 07, 14, 21* 10am to 11.30am – Yoga and Yoga Nidra 2pm to 3pm – (gentle) Yoga 6.30pm to 8pm – 21st  DONATION DAY – Restorative yoga and nidra   Tuesdays – 01, 08, 15 6pm to 7pm – Yoga   Wednesdays – 02, 09, 16 7.15pm to 8.30pm – Yoga   Thursdays… Continue reading Yoga – December

something to ponder….

I really connect with this saying…. “before you speak let your words pass through three gates… Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?”  

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something new…mindful yoga for children

Mindful Wednesdays Yoga for Children   18th November 02nd December 09th December 16th December 4pm to 4.45pm   Booking required £20.00 for 4 call Jayne 07805 039 099

mindfulness and meditation finale…..

the completion of the latest 8-week course in mindfulness and meditation for wellbeing, a lovely lovely bunch moving into mindfulness and beyond!  Many thanks girls…..