Woman’s Nourish and Nurture Day Retreat……7th October 2017

Women’s Nourish and Nurture  Day Retreat Autumn Saturday, 7th October 2017 10am to 3pm   Come and explore a day of blissful restorative postures, yoga nidra and vibrational sounds to treat the body, mind and soul. The day will encourage you to give back to self, postures to support all systems.  Melting into the yin,… Continue reading Woman’s Nourish and Nurture Day Retreat……7th October 2017

Yoga – “Let’s Begin Again”……September Timetable……

September Sessions – “Let’s Begin Again” with Jayne Mondays – 4th, 18th, 25th 10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £28.50 and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £24   Tuesdays – 5th 12th, 19th 26th 6.30pm to 7.30pm = £32   Wednesdays – 6th 13th 20th 27th 7.15pm to 8.15pm = £32 ** 6th… Continue reading Yoga – “Let’s Begin Again”……September Timetable……

Yoga Summer Extras…….

**Summer Extras**   Monday – 21 August 10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £8 and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £9.50   Tuesday – 22 August 6.30pm to 7.30pm = £8   Sorry no classes on Wednesday and Thursday of that week   Please reserve your space 07805039099, or jayne@mindfulofbeing.com Namaste, Jayne  … Continue reading Yoga Summer Extras…….

Meditation and Crystal Bowl Sound Bath for the New Moon and Autumn Equinox

Monday, 18th September come along and welcome in the Autumnal Equinox and New Moon with Meditation and Crystal Bowls Sound Bath Sound healing is one of the oldest forms of healing known to man.  It was used in the ancient civilisations of Greece, China, Egypt and India……recent research has shown that certain frequencies of sound help to heal… Continue reading Meditation and Crystal Bowl Sound Bath for the New Moon and Autumn Equinox

Meditation and Mindfulness Practice…….

Meditation Practice Dates – Places available for the 26th July and the 7th August…. Mindful Mondays’ Meditation Mondays, 10th July and 7th August – 6.15pm to 7.15pm also, Mindful Wednesday Meditation Wednesday,  28th June and 26th July – 10am to 11am Please reserve your space here £7.00 per session when bought together, £8 individually.

Women’s Nourish and Nurture Day Retreat……

Women’s Nourish and Nurture Day Retreat Saturday, 1st July 2017 10am to 3pm 14 mats available Heidi and I are looking forward to sharing with you a truly nurturing day filled with nourishment and emersion into a creative and delicious synthesis of breath, flowing movement, sound and stillness that respects the Sakti (energy) as it flows through… Continue reading Women’s Nourish and Nurture Day Retreat……

Yoga – June 2017

timetable…June Block Mondays – 12th, 19th, 26th 10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £28.50 and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £24   Tuesdays – 13th, 20th, 27th 6.30pm to 7.30pm = £24   Wednesdays – 14th, 21st, 28th 7.15pm to 8.15pm = £24   Thursdays – 15th, 22nd, 29th 10am to 11am = £24… Continue reading Yoga – June 2017