Hello Sunshine Yoginis and Yogis!
I send you love and blessings….
I’m practicing yoga whilst writing this….my left leg on the table to ease the swelling that joins and sits with me daily, looking out at the beautiful sun as it shines on the remaining leaves of the copper beach hedge, noticing the yellow of the daffodils beginning to trumpet “It’s time to Shine” and noticing my shoulders as they ease with each breath in and out…..
This whole experience of mine is bringing a new awakening to my whole being. How intolerant parts of me feel in a certain moment…how the “poor me” arises as I long to be with my granddaughter skiing….how I feel in the morning when I stretch is completely different from how it used to be….the frustration of not being able to simply carry a cup of tea to a comfy chair…I could go on…And, I am grateful for all of these experiences, because that is just what they are, experiences. They are not who I am, nor who I am becoming. They simply come and go, and I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now…now is the only place to be.
I am grateful because I have time, time that is for me to discover the complexity of walking again with both feet on the ground! Each time my left foot touches down and my weight transfers is a blessing and it is getting stronger, and more reliable every day!
As you have probably guessed, I’m not ready to begin classes again. The time is not quite right.
All being well my sessions will resume in April…Springing into Spring!
As I said in my last newsletter, I miss you all and very much look forward to being with you again, until then, please see other posts as there are a few things going on that may interest you…..
March Newsletter….