Wishing you Joyful Openings and New Beginnings for this Spring Equinox
Have we really arrived into Spring? The great outdoors looks very much like it….how wonderful to see the magnificent Magnolias opening with such ease and offering us the gift of surprise with their tender flowering…and my Camellia shows its tremendous beauty once more….truly amazing!
I hope you are all well and enjoying this time of year. I hope too you are able to notice how nature once again bursts into life despite being cut back in the Autumn, blown about by the fierce winds and holds its own against the frost.
I feel like I have been in hibernation! Whilst I’m not fully mobile, I’m so pleased to say my bones are healed and I now have to ease into the next stage of the process….stretching all those parts of me that have become tight and almost fixed to enable me to walk unaided. I feel like my timing is perfect, because as with Spring, bursting into life, I too, am beginning to feel more expansion, a readiness to open. And that said, I would very much like to offer you some sessions during April. These will take the form of a more meditative, ground based physical practice and it will be a staggered timetable (I’m not able to offer a full timetable just yet!)
It would be lovely to see you, and I hope that you are able to come along and connect once again. Please see the Timetable offered.
News for April