Namaste….. Please note that next week there will be one session only, Tuesday, 1st June, 6.30pm to 7.30pm via Zoom, Yoga & More, it’s £8, payment in the normal way.
I leave for France (all being well) early Thursday morning and once installed with stable internet, I hope to be able to offer a timetable via zoom from there.
Sunday morning Meditate Together will go ahead (30th May, 9.30am) as usual, and, so long as the internet is working in the deep Burgundy countryside, sessions will resume again from the 6th June, I will keep you posted!
It would be lovely, (again, subject to signal) to take you all for a walk in the beautifully remote French countryside with me….let’s see how the technology works for that!!
Enjoy your long weekend and keep moving!
Much love, Jayne x
Week Beginning 31st May…