Mondays – 5, 12, (19 December is Donation Day *see below)
10am to 11.30am Yoga & Nidra = £19
and 2pm to 3pm Gentle Yoga = £16
Tuesdays – 6, 13
6pm to 7pm mixed yoga = £16
Wednesdays – 30 Nov, 7, 14
7.15pm to 8.15pm mixed yoga = £24
Thursdays – 1, 8, 15
10am to 11am mixed yoga = £24
and yoga and nidra 6.45pm to 8.15pm = £28.50
**Last Classes 19th December Donation Day **
Monday 19th December
10am to 11.30am Restorative Yoga and Nidra
2pm to 3pm Restorative Gentle Yoga and relaxation
6.30pm to 8pm Restorative Yoga and Nidra by Candle light
reserve your space – contact jayne on 07805 039 099 or jayne@mindfulofbeing.com